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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Chris Swedzinski (R)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Chris Swedzinski

Friday, May 3, 2013

Dear Friends,

This week at the Capitol we’ve spent time on Minimum Wage, child care unionization, and more on the tax increases coming to our hardworking families. Here’s some more information:

Unionizing Home Day Care Small Businesses

I’ve informed you several times this session about an ongoing effort by my Democrat colleagues and Governor Dayton to unionize in-home day care providers; this effort looks to be moving ahead very soon. HF950 is the latest attempt to unionize day care providers in Minnesota and cleared its final House committee this week. This controversial legislation would establish a “statewide unit for all family child care providers.” Any licensed or unlicensed child care provider who has received a state subsidy in the past year would be eligible to vote on the collective bargaining unit, but even those that don’t want to join the union will be forced to pay a “fair share” union due rate of 85 percent, transferring millions from parents to union headquarters in St. Paul and Washington. This proposal also would replace parents by making the state the employer of record. This bill prioritizes generating union revenue over the best interests of hard-working day care providers and families.

Health Policy Omnibus Bill Passed

The House passed our Omnibus Health Policy bill on Wednesday which provides for several new provisions to protect Minnesotans. One change, which I authored, would raise penalties for those that perform tattoo art in Minnesota without a license. The goal is to decrease some of the unlicensed activity currently taking place.

Clothing, Services Taxes Back on the Table

After the House passed a bill last week raising taxes on Minnesotans by $3 billion, the Minnesota Senate passed a tax bill with new taxes on clothing, personal services, and income. Under their plan, medications, clothing, haircuts, oil changes, and even babysitting would now be subject to the hand of government. A conference committee made up of House and Senate Democrats will now work to create a compromise tax increase proposal that can be approved by both legislative bodies. The size of the new bill will depend on how much more wasteful spending legislative Democrats want to force upon hardworking taxpayers this session.

Minimum Wage
HF92 is the bill that raises the state’s minimum wage from $6.15 per hour to $9.50 passed through the House today and will meet the Senate version next week. Most Minnesota employees currently earn at least the $7.25 federal minimum. I voted no because this drastic increase will raise labor costs for businesses large and small, many of which already are operating with thin profit margins because of other factors like new tax increases and the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). This would force them to pass along the added costs to consumers through higher costs or to workers by reducing hours or making layoffs.

Students Visit the Capitol

Thanks to Stevens Elementary School sixth graders from Dawson that visited yesterday!

Have a great weekend,




Chris Swedzinski

State Representative, District 16A