ST. PAUL, MN – On Monday, June 23, Speaker of the House Paul Thissen appointed State Representative Peter Fischer (DFL – Maplewood) to serve on a newly created Legislative Water Commission tasked with extensive study of the latest science and data on water sustainability in order to make policy recommendations to the entire Legislature.
“I am honored to serve on the Commission and continue working with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to restore White Bear Lake and ensure sustainable water supplies for our great state,” said Fischer. “This is an important opportunity to review the best science out there, find out what strategies are working, what ones are not and ultimately ensure better protection and support for our valuable water resources, including White Bear Lake.”
Fischer was the chief author of legislation creating the commission (House File 683), which will consist of six members from both the Minnesota House of Representatives and the Senate. Three members from each body must be from the majority caucus and three members from each body must be from the minority caucus. The Commission is due to sunset on July 1, 2018.