Dear Neighbors,
The 2020 legislative session is underway, and things are already moving fast in what is typically the shorter session of the biennium. Last year, our work in the Minnesota Legislature mostly centered around crafting our state’s budget, and this session we’ll focus on passing investments in infrastructure and community projects, new policy initiatives, and unfinished business from 2019.
As chair of the Government Operations Committee, I’ve already heard several important bills, including one that would protect data and allow voters to opt-out of sharing their party preference in Minnesota’s upcoming presidential primary, of which I am a co-author. You can expect this bill, the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act, and the Alec Smith Affordable Insulin Act to be in the news more as we hit the ground running this year.
Great Start for All Minnesota Children Act
Another bill I’m proud to co-author is the Great Start for All Minnesota Children Act, which is an updated version of the very first bill the House DFL introduced for our new majority. Research shows that the biggest payoff comes in the earliest weeks and months of a child’s life. The Great Start for All Minnesota Children Act invests $500 million in early learning and child care that would positively impact thousands Minnesota children and families across the state.