We’ll be covering the 2020 Legislative Session, which adjourned last month, as well as the work ahead during our special session next week. We’ll be using Zoom, for those familiar, but I’ll also stream simultaneously on my Facebook page. For those that RSVP, we’ll send you the login information Saturday morning to join us. We hope you can make it.
Police and Criminal Justice Reform
The murder of George Floyd is still incredibly fresh in our minds, and I applaud the recent news of all involved officers being arrested and charged. While justice in this case is incredibly important, work must also be done to ensure that the system that led to the death of George Floyd and so many other black and brown Minnesotans is changed.
Earlier this week, I stood behind my colleagues in the Legislature’s POCI (People of Color and Indigenous) Caucus as they announced measures for police and criminal justice reform, as well as our intent to make these issues a priority during a special session. You can watch their press conference, or read an overview of their proposals. These include measures to:
- Reform the investigation and prosecution process of officer-involved deaths and wrongful actions
- Increase police accountability and transparency
- Raise standards of conduct and support officer excellence
- Partner officers with the communities they serve
- Repair and build community trust and create community-centered public safety
These are crucial reforms, as it’s only through systemic change that we can better prevent the tragedy and pain experienced across the nation this past week.
Stay Connected
For the latest news and updated information on the pandemic, please visit the state’s COVID-19 Dashboard. For those interested in assisting the communities impacted by the riots from the past week, the Star Tribune has compiled a comprehensive list of ways to help.
Regardless of whether you’re able to join us on Saturday, please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments you have. You can contact me at rep.mike.freiberg@house.mn and at (651) 296-4176. (E-mail is preferred). I look forward to hearing from you.
Stay strong, and wash your hands!
Mike Freiberg
State Representative