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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Mike Freiberg (DFL)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Mike Freiberg

Thursday, February 27, 2025



This week, House Democrats blocked an attempted assault on the metro by Republicans on the House Floor.  

Monday, we voted down a bill that would have halted the Blue Line extension for two years, needlessly driving up the cost of the project by $2 million. On top of it, none of the bill’s authors actually live in a community that the extension would serve. City councils in both Crystal and Robbinsdale approved the alignment, but the authors of the bill think they know better.  

That’s not the only move against public transit House Republicans have made in the past week. Just the other day, the Tax committee passed – along party lines – an amendment to a GOP frankenbill that completely cuts transit funding from the metro area. It also cuts Meals on Wheels, a service many seniors in our community depend on.  


The metro area holds 55% of Minnesota’s population. While all House Representatives legislate with their communities in mind, we also have a responsibility to the people of Minnesota as a whole. House Republicans seem to have forgotten that duty.  

We have seen numerous bad faith bills so far – including repealing Paid Family and Medical Leave, rolling back reproductive freedoms, and banning trans kids from sports. These bills are an unfortunate display of partisanship during a legislative session where our top priority is passing a state budget. I’m hopeful that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle put down the political theatre soon and prioritize earnest work with DFLers, as they will need to do to secure enough votes for any bill to pass off the House Floor. 

My Bills

While the House GOP caucus has made concerning moves over the past few weeks, I’m thankful to have a good relationship with my Elections co-chair Representative Quam. In the Elections committee this week, we heard my voter fund bill to support elections infrastructure. Secretary of State Steve Simon came to testify in support of the bill. Access to free and fair elections is a right, and even in a divided House, DFLers will continue to fight for and protect that right.  


Shoutout to Golden Valley in Taxes!

I couldn’t resist enlightening the Taxes committee with a bit of 43B trivia last week – did you know that the classic video game Oregon Trail was developed right here in Crystal? CCX media covered the story a few years ago and is viewable here.  


SD43 Town Hall

Join your SD 43 lawmakers for an upcoming Town Hall meeting on Saturday, March 15th, 2025, at the Hennepin County Library’s Golden Valley branch. This is a great opportunity to hear about what's happening in our district and share your questions and concerns. 



Adopt Me!

To help combat the chaos in the news and from the White House, I want to take a moment for positivity each week. The Animal Humane Society is right here in our district and does great work to ensure animals in need find loving homes, provide affordable care for pets in our community, and initiate animal education. 

Meet Bella, a 5-year-old boxer mix looking for a forever home! Bella would do best in a home that can offer a lot of patience, as she will need a little extra time to acclimate to a new environment. A calm, lower-activity home is best for her to thrive in. She’s an affectionate girl and loves giving snuggles and kisses once she gets to know you. Visit the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley to meet Bella! 



Stay Connected

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It is an honor to continue to serve you.  


In solidarity,  

Rep. Mike Freiberg