Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Here is an update with the latest news from Saint Paul.
Highway Memorial Bill
The legislation I am carrying that will designate a segment of Trunk Highway 65 in Isanti County as the Chip A. Imker Memorial Highway is continuing to move through the legislative process. This week it was heard in the Transportation Finance Committee.
Imker, who was a Cambridge firefighter, tragically passed away in a training accident in 2011 at the age of 35. I am pleased the bill is moving forward in both the House and Senate, and I hope we can get it passed into law this year.
Reinsurance Bill Passes House
On Monday, the House passed bipartisan legislation that establishes a state-based reinsurance program. House File 5 is designed to stabilize our floundering individual health care market and is estimated by Minnesota Management and Budget to reduce premium costs by 17 percent or more.
After passing a premium relief and reform bill earlier this session, this legislation is the next step that will address our state’s health care crisis left in the wake of the Affordable Care Act. After Obamacare was enacted, our state’s individual market is only third as large and twice as sick which is simply unsustainable. House File 5 will ensure that those who need the most medical care will continue to have access to the care they need, as well as work to address affordability for thousands of Minnesotans.
Similar legislation is also moving through the Senate. I will keep you updated as we continue to work on ways to make health care more accessible and affordable in Minnesota.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office if I can be of assistance to you or your family on a matter of state government. I am here to serve you!
Have a wonderful weekend.