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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Ron Kresha (R)

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RELEASE: Kresha Encourages Erosion Study, Protects Community

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Little Falls, MN – Representative Ron Kresha, R-Little Falls, issued a letter requesting the Morrison County Commissioners conduct an engineering study to examine erosion issues along the Mississippi Riverbank.

“The Mississippi River is one of our most prized natural resources in all of Minnesota,” Kresha said. “The Mississippi River is necessary for Minnesota’s water supply, and it is a key economic driver for the state. We must do all that we can to protect the river, the ecological systems that call it home and the banks that we have built our community on.”

In the letter, Kresha committed to finding state funding sources and encouraged the County Commissioners, as well as the Little Falls City Council Members to discover local funding sources.

“The Morrison County Historical Society would like to thank the County Commissioners, the Little Falls City Council, Morrison County Soil and Water, Rep. Ron Kresha and community members who have expressed interest in finding a way to stabilize and repair our Mississippi Riverbank erosion.  We are excited at the possibility to move forward with an Engineering Design that will do just that,” said Camille Warzecha, Interim Executive Director of the Morrison County Historical Society.

Without the study, the Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Museum is in danger of collapsing. The Museum is located 20 feet from the riverbank and severe rain over the years has caused erosion, impacting the safety of the building. 

In response to the letter, Morrison County Commissioners, along with Little Falls City Council, agreed to fund the Engineering Design.

“I am thrilled that Morrison County, the Little Falls City Council and state leadership can come together to make this project possible,” Kresha said. “This is one step to preserving our community for generations.” 


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