St. Paul, MN – As the State Government Finance bill went to the House Floor, Representative Ron Kresha, R-Little Falls, offered up a commonsense amendment to protect the rights of voters and the integrity of an election.
As part of the bill, Kresha submitted amendment A-31 to HF4293, a rule that would require a photo ID to vote.
“With the magnitude and importance of elections, requiring an ID only makes sense,” Kresha said. “This amendment would allow us to provide free IDs to people.”
Kresha said the amendment stemmed from the need to safeguard elections and the rights of Minnesotans.
“Our free elections are the pinnacle of freedom in our society. It is a sacred privilege,” Kresha said.
Despite much discussion on the Floor and despite the Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) party requiring photo IDs to enter the 2022 DFL state convention, the amendment was ruled not germane by the majority.