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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Ron Kresha (R)

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News from Representative Kresha 03-28-2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

Dear Friends,

Really, the snow cannot keep falling forever. Start looking at seeds and thinking about warmer weather. Soon, very soon, we will be worrying about putting in docks!

Also, I want to call out a couple local events and attractions. First of all, a big congratulations to Herbie's in Sobieski on their #1 rated fish fry. Secondly, a big thank you to Morrison County Kinship for the great work with our youth, and thank you for having me as a judge at the Chili Cookoff!

I told you last week of our successful efforts to move the 5% Campaign bill, which would increase funding for workers who provide home and community-based care for Minnesotans with developmental disabilities, to the General Register, meaning it can be brought to the floor for a vote at any time.

Unfortunately there was no additional action on the bill this week, and it remains on the General Register. I urge my colleagues in the majority to bring this bill to the floor without delay so we can send a message that we support this important cause. With hundreds of millions in surplus dollars still remaining, we can pass the bill at any time next week without controversy or partisan politics. I will keep you updated if there is any additional movement on the 5% Campaign bill this week.

Financial Flexibility for Schools

This week I had the opportunity to present my bill, HF1937 in the Education Finance committee. This bill would give local school districts additional flexibility and control of their budgets to help improve education outcomes. I've heard from our local school districts repeatedly about the need for additional budget flexibility, the primary reason I authored this legislation.

Long Prairie is one school district which has expressed interest in budget flexibility to allow them to move funding to meet the unique educational needs in their area. 

I firmly believe funding decisions are made best at the school district level, where principals, teachers, and parents can make decisions that best fit their school districts. This bill gives school districts another tool to move funding where it is most needed & can have the most significant impact.

I want to thank DFL Eduction Finance Chair Paul Marquart for allowing me to present this bill in committee, and to the Minnesota School Board Association for their support of the bill, which was laid over for consideration in a future omnibus bill.

Testifying Thursday before the House Education Finance Committee
via House Media Services

2014 Legislative Survey

I'm honored to represent the priorities & interests our community at the legislature each and every day. It's a responsibility I take seriously, and I am grateful to each and every constituent who reaches out to share with me their thoughts, opinions, and concerns. Your feedback helps me focus my efforts, and better represent our community.

That's why I hope you'll  take a few moments to fill out my 2014 Legislative Survey. Your feedback is important to me, and I look forward to reading the responses. You can take the survey by clicking here, or by visiting my legislative website at

Have a great weekend,

Ron Kresha

State Representative, District 09B


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