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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Marion Rarick (R)

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Legislative Update and Survey Results

Monday, April 20, 2015

Dear Neighbor,

Thank you to everyone who took my 2015 Legislative Survey. Your input on issues being debated in the legislature is valuable to me, and I appreciate you sharing your feedback.

Here are the results:

Governor Dayton and the Senate DFL majority have proposed adding an additional 6.5% sales tax to fuel sales to fund transportation projects. Do you support this proposal?

Yes                  21.2%

No                   72.3%

Undecided       6.5%


The November forecast showed that Minnesota is projected to have a $1 billion surplus for Minnesota's 2016-2017 budget. What should the legislature do with that money?

Increase spending                   12.7%

Return it to the taxpayers       48.7%

Keep it in the reserves                        38.6%


Currently, in tight budgeting times school districts make layoff decisions based on teacher seniority. Some legislators are advocating for a reform that allows schools to also consider teacher effectiveness in those decisions. Do you support making this change?

Yes                  75.5%

No                   13.4% 

Undecided       11.1%


From your perspective, what is the best way to grow jobs in Minnesota?

Increase state funding for construction projects across Minnesota  12.3%

Pass tax relief and incentives to encourage business growth and job creation        40%

Limit state spending to the amount of revenue taken in and slow government growth            30.2%

Use surplus funds to offer income tax relief so taxpayers can keep more of their hard-earned money 19.8%

Raise taxes and increase spending on state programs                       .1%

Increase education funding and focus on workforce development   20.3%

Other   .1%


What is the best approach for addressing the problems with the Obamacare exchange in Minnesota, MNsure?

It isn't working, repeal it entirely                              41.3%

It can be fixed by enacting significant reforms         21.5%

It's working, keep as it is currently                            15.7%

Give Minnesotans more options outside of MNsure 21.5%


Do you believe state funding for nursing homes and long-term care programs for seniors and the disabled should be:

Increased           56.7%

Kept the same   36.6%

Decreased         6.7%


Under Minnesota law, Sunday liquor sales are illegal in Minnesota. Do you support repealing this law, allowing liquor stores to sell alcohol on Sundays?

Yes                  49.5% 

No                   36.7%

Undecided       13.8%


Please select any of the following that apply to you:

I am a veteran/active member of the military                       16.2%

I have children in school                                            30.9%

I have children in daycare                                          9.6%

I have children in college                                           14.0%

I am retired                                                                 36.6%

I own a small business                                               21.2%


What mode of transportation do your normally use to get to work?

I drive myself             88.5%

I carpool                      1.9%

I take the bus              .6%

I take the light rail      .5%

Other                           8.5%

Gun Legislation

On Thursday, April 16th in the House, we took up several pieces of legislation that ensure the state is protecting your Second Amendment rights.

Bills passed included a provision that would allow anyone with a permit-to-carry to bring a firearm onto the Capitol complex without providing additional notification and a clarification of statute that firearms dealers in any state can sell long guns in Minnesota. Additionally, a bill that would legalize suppressors in Minnesota, which are heavily federally regulated, passed with strong bipartisan support. Finally, the last bill debated on Thursday would ensure that lawful firearm owners will not have their weapons confiscated by government agents during a state of emergency.

I am pleased these bills passed the House. I will continue to stand up for the Second Amendment rights of Minnesotans!

Care Center Reimbursements

Last week, the Health and Human Services Finance Committee unveiled their budget bill for FY 2016-17. Included in the legislation is good news for our nursing homes which receive lower reimbursement rates than care centers in our neighboring metro counties. I authored House File 562 this session to increase reimbursement rates for all seven nursing homes and care centers in Wright County.

If the provision in the Health and Human Services Omnibus Bill becomes law, it will increase the change in Medicaid revenue for New River Medical Center in Monticello by 43.77 percent, Park View Care Center in Buffalo by 27.19 percent, Lake Ridge Care Center of Buffalo by 21.02 percent, Good Samaritan Society in Howard Lake by 29.44 percent, Annandale Care Center by 21.39 percent and the Golden Living Center in Delano by 10.53 percent.

Too many of our nursing homes are operating in debt, and this change to state law will protect aging Minnesotans' quality of life and increase wages for hardworking caregivers in this profession.


As always, please feel free to contact me about any state legislative issue. You can e-mail at Rep.Marion.ONeill@House.MN or call my office at 651-296-5063. You can also write a letter to me. My office address at the Capitol is 549 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155.

