Dear Neighbor,
I had the opportunity to visit with Mr. Piechowski's Senior Government Class at Clinton Graceville Beardsley High School last friday. I had a lot of fun talking with the students about state government!
Also, last Friday morning Senator Westrom and I had a great Town Hall meeting in Clinton. We had over 60 people in attendance. Thank you Kathy Draeger for organizing the event.
Another busy week at the Capitol has passed and more good things have happened for our district.
Tax Conformity Update
House File 2, federal tax conformity, was passed by the Senate Thursday and signed into law by the Governor today. Some key aspects of the bill include: deductions for higher education costs and teacher classroom expenses. The bill also provides for an itemized deduction for mortgage insurance premiums and it eliminates the need for two sets of equipment depreciation schedules. I am happy to see some tax relief already passed and signed into law this early in session. I look forward to supporting greater relief later this year.
Health Insurance Reform Update
House File 1, The 2017 Health Care Emergency Aid and Access bill, began going through the committee process this week after the House didn’t have enough votes to be able to suspend the rules and take up the bill on a state of urgency last week.
The bill has now been broken down into several parts and traveling its way through the committee process. I look forward to it reaching the floor of the House for a vote next week, so we can get people the premium relief they need and start enacting long-term reforms to the market. I heard the concerns when knocking doors this past summer and fall; we are working diligently on this issue.
Broadband Grants
This week, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) issued a release stating that Holmes City is 1 of 71 communities in greater Minnesota to receive a state grant to expand broadband access. The $700,674 grant will provide access to 267 unserved households and 32 unserved businesses. The total eligible project cost is $1.4 million with a $700,674 local match. Greater access to broadband will allow for the people and businesses of Holmes City to compete with the surrounding area through improving economic and educational opportunities. Last session, the legislature approved a total of $45 million in broadband grants during the 2015 and 2016 legislative session. When combined with federal CAF II funds, Minnesota will see more than $100 million in broadband expansion this year alone.
Bill Introductions
This week I introduced two bills: House File 101 and House File 105. HF 101 appropriates funds to the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board for grants to regional emergency medical services programs to be distributed equally among the eight emergency medical services regions. HF 105 appropriates funds to the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board for the Cooper/Sams volunteer ambulance program. These bills are important to ensure successful operation and reimbursement for ambulance and EMS services in rural Minnesota during medical emergencies.
Staying in Touch
Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions regarding this piece of legislation. I can be reached by phone at either 651-296-4929, 701-361-1909, or via email at
Have a great weekend,