Dear Neighbors,
Please be sure to follow my brand-new “official” Facebook page! I will be posting videos and other updates on the page during session and throughout the year. Follow this link to visit the page and be sure to hit the “like” button.
This week, I recorded a handful of videos touching on various issues that are being debated in St. Paul.
The first video discusses the transportation proposal that was rolled out by House Democrats on Monday. Their proposal includes a number of excessive taxes including a 70% gas tax increase. Click the photo below to hear my thoughts on the bill.
The second video discusses a proposal in the Health and Human Services omnibus bill that reduces funding for the Positive Alternatives program. This program is administered by the Minnesota Department of Health and gives grants to life-affirming organizations offering support to pregnant women.
The third video discusses a DFL proposal impacting prairie land in Greater Minnesota. You can watch the video by clicking on the photo below.
Finally, in the last video, I discuss legislation that was passed off the House floor on Monday that will negatively impact renters in Greater Minnesota.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any legislative questions, concerns, or ideas. I can be reached on my office number at 651-296-4929 or my cell phone at 701-361-1909. You can also reach via email at, or via U.S. Mail at 203 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155.
That’s all for this week, I hope you have a great weekend,