Dear Neighbors,
Recently, the Department of Human Services (DHS) issued a decision regarding state health program contracting. In that decision, DHS chose not to contract with PrimeWest Health, a county-based purchasing plan which provides services through Medicaid and MinnesotaCare to low-income residents in 13 Greater Minnesota counties. Failing to contract with PrimeWest would negatively impact how these services were provided.
This decision has caused significant issues with many Greater Minnesota counties.
Thankfully, just this week, DHS announced that they were canceling this decision and will instead enter into negotiations to renew the current contracts for next year.
DHS’ decision to cancel their request for proposals is great news for families and individuals in our area that depend on life-saving medical services through Medicaid and MinnesotaCare. DHS’ initial decision and the way it conducted the procurement and health plan selection process displayed a blatant disregard for the role and authority of counties.
I look forward to working with DHS during the upcoming legislative session to ensure that Minnesotans in rural counties continue to have choice in their health care options.
Staying in Touch
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any legislative questions, concerns, or ideas. I can be reached on my office number at 651-296-4929 or my cell phone at 701-361-1909. You can also reach via email at, or via U.S. Mail at 203 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155.
Have a great day,