Dear Neighbors,
Thanks again for your support and encouragement for my work in St. Paul. The first month of the legislative session is nearly over and last week we were shown once again that Democrats have little regard for the principles from which our nation was founded.
Religious liberty is a cornerstone principle and value within our nation's founding documents.
That's why I am concerned about some recent developments in St. Paul that are jeopardizing religious freedom here in Minnesota.
Please take a moment to watch a brief video I recorded on the topic by clicking here or the photo below.
Thank you to the many local residents that took time to visit St. Paul this week to advocate on behalf of the issues that matter to them. Make sure to reach out if you plan on visiting this year!
Please be sure to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. You can contact me by phone at either 651-296-4929 or 701-361-1909. I can also be reached via email at
Have a good day,