Dear friends and neighbors,
Minnesotans deserve a fair and sustainable Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program—one that supports workers while also recognizing the realities that businesses, schools, and local governments face. The original state-run program was rushed through without fully considering the long-term impact, and now we’re seeing the consequences: billions in unexpected costs, new payroll taxes, and additional burdens on small businesses that are already struggling to stay afloat.
Now, without a DFL Trifecta, we have a unique opportunity to hear from the voices that were left out of the conversation when this bill first passed. Over the past two years, I’ve had hundreds of discussions with business owners, unions, local governments, and school districts—the people who actually have to implement this program. Their concerns are clear: this system isn’t workable as written, and without changes, it will lead to job cuts, increased costs, and unintended consequences that hurt both employers and employees.
That’s why I’m bringing forward a plan that preserves paid leave while making the system more flexible and sustainable. My proposal offers choice—allowing small businesses and union-negotiated contracts to opt into options that work best for them. It also right-sizes the program by adjusting benefits to a more predictable level, reducing the strain on both businesses and taxpayers. Most importantly, it ensures that everyone has a seat at the table, not just government bureaucrats and activists.
This is about getting it right—providing leave for those who need it while preventing unnecessary job losses and skyrocketing costs. I look forward to working with my colleagues on a practical solution that works for all Minnesotans.