Dear Friends,
I want to wish all of you a very safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend. Take time this weekend to pause and remember those who have sacrificed and paid the ultimate price in defense of the freedoms we enjoy today. I look forward to attending Memorial Day services this weekend. I invite you all to attend the service at Fariview Cemetery at 11AM Monday in Willmar. If weather doesn't cooperate, the service will be held in the Willmar Armory.
The Governor has formally vetoed the bipartisan education bill, much to my disappointment. The bill included $400 million in increased funding, a total of $1.3 billion more in 2016-2017 compared to 2014-2015. It also made historic investments in proven early learning programs and school-readiness aid.
There were many good parts of the education bill that I hope will remain in the final bill once we pass an education bill in special session. I will have more for you in the future as special session plans become more clear.
Read-Aloud event
Next Friday, May 29 I will be hosting a read-aloud book at the Willmar Public Library. Hope you will join us at 10AM. More information
Have a great weekend,
Dave Baker
State Representative, District 17B