SAINT PAUL – State Representative Jon Koznick, R-Lakeville, released the following statement on the first week of the 2024 legislative session:
“Last year, Minnesotans saw firsthand the consequence of one-party control in St. Paul,” said Koznick. “Not only did Democrats blow through a historic $17.5 billion budget surplus, grow government spending by 40%, and raise your taxes by nearly $10 billion, they also sent the state into a projected budget deficit. Now, more than ever, we need to restore balance in St. Paul and work to reduce families’ financial burden caused by record setting inflation and high taxes. It’s time to eliminate the wasteful spending, stop pushing highly divisive policies like making Minnesota a Sanctuary State for illegal immigration or 'assisted' suicide for seniors. We need bring commonsense back to the legislature.”
Koznick welcomes correspondence throughout the session and encourages residents to email or call (651) 296-6926 to get in touch.