ST. PAUL, MN – House Transportation Finance and Policy Chair Jon Koznick (R-Lakeville) issued the following statement in response to MnDOT and the Met Council’s sudden announcement exploring a transition from Northstar commuter rail to bus service:
“It’s ironic that MnDOT and the Met Council suddenly scramble to take action on the same day we are advancing legislation to terminate Northstar operations. This announcement—made with almost zero notice—only confirms that Northstar’s financial losses and declining ridership can no longer be ignored.”
“Northstar has been an over $320 million failed experiment, costing taxpayers $11 million annually despite near-zero ridership. My bill and today’s MnDOT and Met Council announcement ensure that Minnesota formally requests federal approval to shut it down so we can stop wasting money and focus on real transportation solutions. The question will be, how soon can this be done?”
Koznick’s bill, which formally begins to end Northstar operations, is set to move from the House Transportation Finance and Policy Committee to the General Register for a floor vote.
“Instead of waiting until their hand was forced, MnDOT and the Met Council should have taken proactive steps years ago. This bill forces them to do what’s right for taxpayers and finally put an end to 18 years of wasteful spending. I’m glad they finally seem to agree that Northstar rail is not viable or feasible!”