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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL)

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Rep. Pinto blasts GOP for hosting right-wing propaganda group in Fraud Prevention Committee

Monday, March 10, 2025

SAINT PAUL, Minn. – Today, the Minnesota House Fraud Prevention and State Agency Oversight Committee devoted its entire weekly hearing to a presentation from the Center of the American Experiment, a right-wing propaganda group bankrolled by corporations and the ultra-wealthy. During the hearing, the organization was revealed to have provided deceptive and incomplete information to policymakers and the public in the service of a political agenda. After five meetings, the committee has yet to consider a single legislative proposal.

Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL – Saint Paul), the DFL Lead on the committee, issued the following statement:

“The Center of the American Experiment is a cornerstone of Minnesota’s right-wing propaganda machine. During today’s hearing, its ‘researcher’ admitted to having no direct evidence of or expertise in addressing fraud. He then provided statistics that have been debunked and cherrypicked, in order to achieve a political agenda.

“Preventing and fighting fraud requires the use of real facts and real information. Today the committee gave a platform to deceptive information given by a Republican-aligned outfit for political gain. That’s the definition of fraud.”