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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Matt Bliss (R)

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Tax relief a highlight of first week in the House

Friday, January 6, 2017

Dear Neighbor,

Greetings as we reach the end of Week 1 in the 2017 legislative session.

Much of our first week was spent getting oriented with committees and becoming familiar with daily schedules, but we also made quick progress on one of this session’s cornerstone issues: tax relief.

On Thursday the House passed $21.7 million in immediate tax relief for Minnesotans by bringing the state’s tax code into compliance with federal provisions. Urgency was taken on this bill in order for tax software programs to be updated in time for qualifying Minnesotans to take advantage of available reductions this upcoming tax season. The Senate is encouraged to quickly approve this bill so it can be sent to the governor for enactment.

One big reason people in District 5A sent me to represent them in St. Paul is to deliver tax relief and this is just the first step. We plan to keep the pedal down and bring forward a number of other bills to give Minnesota taxpayers some breathing room.

On more disappointing note, House Democrats on Thursday blocked a Republican proposal to fast-track a vote on the 2017 Health Care Emergency Aid and Access bill (H.F. 2). We must get a handle on skyrocketing health insurance costs and this bill would provide some immediate relief. It also would extend access to doctors and begin to reform the individual market. I am confident we still can get this package to the finish line, it will just be delayed by the Democrats' unfortunate stall tactics.

Look for more updates as we make our way through the 2017 session. I will do my best to not only provide the latest news, but also to share my personal thoughts on the issues. Input from people in 5A is very helpful to me as I work to best serve local citizens, so feel free to use the contact information included in this email to provide feedback or set up an appointment to stop by my office if you plan to visit the Capitol.

