Legislative Update: The Governor's Budget ProposalFriends and Neighbors, As your State Representative, I’ve always believed in protecting our most vulnerable, defending our rural way of life, and standing up to wasteful, out-of-touch policies from St. Paul. That’s why I can’t stay silent about the Governor’s reckless new budget proposal—and the devastating impact it would have on Beltrami County and communities across Greater Minnesota. Let’s be clear: Governor Walz and the Democrats created this budget mess. They burned through a record $18 billion surplus, raised taxes by another $10 billion, and exploded state spending by a staggering 40%—ballooning Minnesota’s budget from $52 billion to $72 billion in just one cycle. And now, predictably, we’re facing a $6 billion deficit. Rather than take responsibility, the Governor is doubling down on the very same failed policies that got us into this crisis. His proposed solution? Balance the budget on the backs of rural families, seniors, teachers, and special needs students. One of the most dangerous pieces of the Governor’s budget is the proposal to shift over $1.5 billion in costs from the state onto local counties. That cost shift would devastate counties like Beltrami, which would be forced to cover an additional $4 million per year. Local officials have made it clear—this kind of unfunded mandate would wreck county budgets and could lead to property tax increases as high as 20%. For seniors on fixed incomes, family farms, and small business owners, that’s not just unsustainable—it’s unacceptable. But the damage doesn’t stop there. The Governor is also proposing cuts to nursing home funding. Our seniors deserve quality care close to home, and without this much-needed state funding, many nursing homes could close across the state. In our district alone Cornerstone Nursing & Rehab Center will lose $2,298,940; Good Samaritan Society will lose $946,282; and Mahnomen Health Center will lose $996,282. These cuts will be devastating to the seniors and families that rely on these facilities. He’s also cutting nonpublic pupil aid and merit-based teacher pay, punishing students and teachers alike—even after Democrats passed more than 65 unfunded mandates last session that already put massive financial pressure on our schools. These cuts include cuts to direct funding for special education, leaving our most vulnerable learners at a disadvantage. At the same time, the Walz administration continues to pour hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into benefits for illegal immigrants and is pushing yet another sales tax increase on hardworking Minnesotans. Minnesota doesn’t have a revenue problem—we have a spending problem. My colleagues and I will fight to cut much of the waste, fraud, and misuse over the last two years of full-Democrat control, and work to prioritize our spending on the most important government services and programs. We believe in restoring fiscal sanity, protecting those who truly need help, and putting Minnesota taxpayers first. It’s time for real leadership and a serious course correction. Local shout outOn a brighter note, I want to take a moment to recognize Grand Rapids native Jeff “Gussy” Gustafson, who just made history with a top finish at the 2025 Bassmaster Classic, catching over 76 lbs in just three days! Gussy’s incredible performance on the national stage makes all of us in northern Minnesota proud. Read more here: KSTP Story Looking Ahead
As always, it’s an honor to serve you at the Capitol. Let’s keep fighting for our shared values, our local priorities, and the future of Greater Minnesota. Have a good weekend, |
Representative Matt Bliss House District 02B Please Contact MeIt's an honor to be your voice in St. Paul. Please don't hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns, or ideas. Your voice helps me better represent our community. If you'd like to reply, please do so at Rep.Matt.Bliss@house.mn.gov, or call at 651.296.5516, as responses to this newsletter do not get to my inbox. |