Greetings from the Capitol!
A lot of exciting news to share after another eventful week in St. Paul.
Passage of House File 1:
On Thursday, the House passed House File 1: the 2017 Health Care Emergency Aid and Access bill on a bipartisan vote of 73-54. We are now one step closer to getting people the premium relief they need. I look forward to this bill going to conference committee with the Senate next week and I am hopeful for the Governor’s signature.
To review, some highlights of this bill include:
Testifying in Taxes Committee:
I had a chance to testify to a bill in Taxes committee this past week that I co-authored: House File 186. HF 186 provides a vendor allowance of between 0.75% and 2% of sales taxes collected during a reporting period to all retailers who report and remit taxes.
I understand the tax burden that our state tax structure places on our small businesses and I am committed to supporting these main street businesses that are the lifeblood of our community. This bill is one step forward in reducing their tax burden.
Federal Tax Conformity Update & Review:
House File 2, federal tax conformity, was passed by the Senate and signed into law by the Governor last week. Some key aspects of the bill include:
If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding anything related to state government, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 651-296-8635.