Hello friends and neighbors,
I hope you have been enjoying your summer and have found some time to relax. In addition to hosting several town hall meetings throughout our district and having shoulder surgery, I have been meeting with our area school boards, as well as attending multiple chamber of commerce, city council, and county board meetings to provide a review of the 2017 Legislative Session.
I also attended “Breakfast on the Farm” with Dave and Ann Buck.
For those of you who haven’t seen or haven’t had a chance to read my interview with the Red Wing Republican Eagle regarding my first session serving you in St. Paul, check it out here!
Upcoming Events:
Leading into Independence Day weekend, there are a lot of events on the calendar:
Other notable fireworks locations:
Congratulations to:
What amazing accomplishments made by these young men and women in our communities!
Staying In Touch:
Enjoy your Independence Day weekend. If you plan to travel, please do so safely!
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
-Abraham Lincoln