Hello friends and neighbors,
I had the privilege this past week of attending a conference sponsored by the Midwest Council of State Governments, called the Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development (BILLD). BILLD brought together 40 legislators from across the Midwest and Canada to learn and discuss legislative policy, effective governance practices, and how to refine leadership skills. It was an incredible week! I thought you’d be particularly interested to know that part of the conference was devoted to “improving civility in politics.” The need for civility in our country has moved from ‘nice to have’ to a necessity. I believe the foundation for civility and leadership is strong relationships. If we have those, we can disagree, but not be disagreeable.
This week, as our country struggles with bigotry, hatred, and violence, I want to make this commitment to you again:
I will do my best to lead with respect and integrity - both within my party and across the aisle. As the mother of Heather Heyer, the young woman who was killed in Charlottesville, said: ‘if she has to give up my daughter, it will not be in vain.’ We all have a part.
A picture of President Lincoln hangs behind the Speaker’s Podium in the House Chambers. Today, one of my constituents posted a cartoonist drawing of the Lincoln's statue with Lincoln burying his face in his hands. And she added this history: There are 57 steps leading up to the Lincoln Memorial, the first 56 steps represent the years lived and the 57th step is the legacy he left us. “With malice toward none, with charity for all….to bind up….to care for.…and that government
Of the people
By the people
For the people
Shall not perish from the earth.”