Dear Friends and Neighbors,
It was a snowy week! I hope everyone was able to stay warm and drive safe.
Distracted Driving Bills
On the topic of driving, a discussion at the legislature that has garnered media attention this year is distracted driving. The most prominent distracted driving bill working its way through the legislative process is one that would ban the use of handheld devices – including cell phones – for drivers on Minnesota roads. Under this proposal, drivers could still use a cellphone in hands-free mode and to reach 911 for emergency calls. Another bill under consideration takes aim at distracted driving by increasing penalties for texting while driving.
As these bills move through committee, the conversation continues to focus on reducing distracted driving and keeping roads safe. With the snowy conditions this week, it is a time when we are all aware that distracted driving is very dangerous. I have heard from both supporters and opponents of this proposal, and I’m looking forward to working with stakeholders and law enforcement to make sure the legislative outcome is the best possible approach to keep Minnesota roads safe.
If you haven’t already shared your views on this issue, I encourage you to please contact me to voice your position on the matter.
Big Turn Music Fest
If you are looking to get out into the community and share great music, please save February 22-23 on your calendar. Big Turn Music Fest is a mid-winter music event in Red Wing which features 164 different musical groups performing in 21 venues in downtown Red Wing. Tickets are available at the Sheldon Box Office and more info can be found at
Capitol Visitors
A number of visitors braved the snowy roads this week to visit me at their Day at the Capitol events. It was good to visit with Wabasha constituents from Main Street Alliance and Red Wing residents with the Joint Religious Council.
I also had the opportunity to visit with Todd Jansin, Ross Lexvold, and Fes Wing of Every Hand Joined, Red Wing. They do a great job supporting our teachers and students.
Staying in Touch
If you know of someone who would like to receive future updates, please forward this email to them and have them sign up here. Also, if you have any questions or concerns regarding any issue related to state government, please contact me at or at 651-296-8635. I value your input and enjoy hearing from you.
Have a great weekend,