Dear Friends and Neighbors,
In this week’s update I will highlight agriculture policy and share some community events I attended.
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Support
As you know, agriculture is a key component in Minnesota’s economy and our farmers are critical to our state’s success.
Because of this I recently joined a number of other state lawmakers in signing a letter to Minnesota’s Congressional delegation to express support for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
As noted in the letter, Minnesota has a vested interest in the ratification of this historic agreement. In 2017 alone, Minnesota’s exports to our North American neighbors totaled $6.7 billion. 57,700 Minnesotans also work in jobs that depend on our agriculture exports.
In addition, one in four of Minnesota’s manufacturing firms export to Canada. Of these firms, 78% are classified as small and medium sized businesses.
Maintaining and improving our relationship with Mexico and Canada is essential to prosperity across all facets of Minnesota’s economy. There’s no doubt the USMCA is a good deal for Minnesota and its farmers.
Agriculture Funding
This year the Minnesota Legislature funded our state’s ag and rural development programs for the next two years, continuing the bipartisan support for Minnesota’s farmers and our agriculture community.
Highlights include increased support for farmers through rural mental health grants, mental health outreach and hotline; assistance to dairy farmers who enroll in the federal dairy margin protection program; testing for chronic waste disease in deer; and a noxious weed grant program.
Prairie Island Indian Community Safety Day
This week, I was pleased to take part in Prairie Island Indian Community Safety Day.
The visit included a “ride” in their movable watch tower.
My thanks to all who put their lives on the line in order to keep us safe.
Mississippi River Health
This week, I joined other lawmakers in Red Wing to discuss on-farm conservation efforts and the benefits of sustainable farming on reducing nutrient pollution. Nutrient pollution is one of the leading issues facing the health of the Mississippi River.
The event was organized by the Mississippi River Legislative Caucus (MRLC). To learn more, please click here.
Local Events
Mark your calendars, the 48th annual Water Ski Days are taking place in Lake City next weekend. The three day event includes water skiing exhibitions, live music, a parade, and other fun activities for the entire family.
Staying in Touch
As always, if you have questions or concerns regarding any issue, please contact me. You can reach me at or 651-296-8635.