Haley calls on Walz to set clear end-date for emergency powers
ST. PAUL, MN — Ahead of an expected announcement this week by Governor Walz loosening Minnesota's COVID restrictions, House Republicans are calling for transparent and concrete dates and/or metrics for the end of the peacetime emergency. Just this week, Florida lifted all remaining COVID restrictions, and Governors of Democrat states like New York and California have established target dates for the lifting of capacity limits and other COVID restrictions. Other deep-blue states like Connecticut lifted capacity limits starting as far back as March.
"As Minnesotans await word what restrictions are being lifted by the Governor, it is time for a clear timeline for the end of the emergency powers and lifting of restrictions," said Rep. Barb Haley, R-Red Wing. "As a member of the committee working to reform this law and transition our governance back to normal, I have been incredibly frustrated by the lack of transparency on decision making and lack of a plan towards getting back to normal. On the House Floor, I asked Majority Leader Winkler for a timetable on ending the emergency powers and he asserted that this would be a negotiated item along with the budget negotiations. I do not believe that Minnesotan's lives and businesses should be held hostage for things the Governor wants in the end-of-session budget negotiations. The time for emergency powers is over and the people of Minnesota deserve clarity on ending the powers and returning to normal governance and life in Minnesota."
House Republicans have voted more than a dozen times to end the peacetime emergency, and have put forward numerous proposals to end or modify the Governor's Chapter 12 powers, as well as proposals to establish timelines and metrics that would end the peacetime emergency. Democrats have refused to advance those proposals in the House, and have even stonewalled proposals from their own party to wind down the Governor's emergency powers.