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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Fue Lee (DFL)

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Legislative Update - February 28, 2015

Friday, February 28, 2025
Rep. Lee

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Dear Neighbors,

The nature of the Minnesota House for the next two years will need to be one of bipartisanship. Despite Governor Walz and a slim DFL majority in the Minnesota Senate, nothing will be able to pass into law without some sort of mix of GOP and DFL support.

Ideally, we could use this as an opportunity to focus on common-ground solutions to the problems all Minnesotans care about. While we’ve seen some of those bills, Republicans are also using their temporary advantage in the Minnesota House to push forward hyper-partisan, controversial bills that do nothing to help Minnesotans.

Just this week, we saw Republicans vote to cut funding for Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels

It seems like they’re taking a page from Republicans at the federal level, where the U.S. House just passed a budget resolution to cut taxes for billionaires while reducing investments in government initiatives our neighbors depend on, like Medicaid.

That’s not how we should be crafting our budgets. As we work to do the same at the state level this year, I know we can create a responsible, balanced budget that compassionately invests in what Minnesotans need - and we certainly won’t be prioritizing Minnesota’s billionaires. 


Tax Season - Child Tax Credit and Renter’s Credit

Tax Season is in full swing, and there are two key credits to keep in mind as you file this year, both of which were fought for by the DFL last biennium - the Child Tax Credit and recent changes to the Renter’s Credit.

To check your eligibility and learn more about Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit, please check out the Minnesota Department of Revenue's website. This is a good resource to have handy when you file your taxes, and remember: if you are eligible for the child tax credit, you must file for it; it is not automatic. Don’t hesitate to reach out to my office if you need help or have questions.

Child Tax Credit

Minnesota renters eligible for a property tax refund will now claim their Renter’s Credit on their Minnesota Individual Income Tax return. 

The Renter’s Credit will be part of their income tax refund amount, and can be applied to the amount owed on their income tax return, or to other debts referred to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.

Having the Renter’s Credit on the state income tax form will simplify filing for the around 300,000 renters who claim a property tax refund each year. Renters will no longer have to file a separate return and wait until August or September to get their refund. You can learn more about the Renter’s Credit on the Department of Revenue website


Extreme Risk Protection Orders are saving lives

During the 2023 legislative session, Minnesota Democrats took bold action to protect our communities against gun violence. One of the measures lawmakers enacted allows for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), also known as a “red flag” law. This tool helps prevent tragedies by allowing law enforcement and family members to request court orders temporarily removing firearms from individuals who pose an imminent risk of harming themselves or others.

After one year of implementation, the evidence is clear: Extreme Risk Protection Orders are protecting Minnesotans from senseless gun violence. The Star Tribune recently published an op-ed spotlighting the impact of this important law, which you can read here.

So far, 135 ERPO cases have been filed, with law enforcement initiating the vast majority of the petitions. The red flag law is saving lives, particularly in situations involving domestic violence or when individuals are experiencing mental health crises. Minnesotans overwhelmingly support common-sense gun violence prevention measures, like ERPOs and criminal background checks, and House DFLers remain committed to keeping our communities safe.


Stay Connected

Thank you to everyone that came out to our Town Hall earlier this month. Our best work is directly rooted in our community’s needs, and it’s always great to hear from you directly.

Town Hall

Whether or not you were able to make it, I always want to hear from you! If you have any questions about our work in the Minnesota House, or if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me at or 651-296-4262. You’ll hear back from me or our Legislative Assistant, Tenzin.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Fue Lee
State Representative