SAINT PAUL, Minn. – This afternoon, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting a virtual public hearing regarding downstream impacts of the PolyMet NorthMet project.
Rep. Dave Lislegard (DFL – Aurora) issued the following statement:
“I have firsthand working knowledge of the site because I worked at the LTV Steel Mining Company until it was shut down in 2001. This shuttered facility has been the hope to breathe life back into the east end of the Iron Range where we have been mining for over 130 years. PolyMet presents a great opportunity for a win-win situation. PolyMet will produce the critical minerals we need for electric vehicles and renewable energy. Additionally, PolyMet will utilize strict environmental standards and labor laws to protect the environment and human health.
“We are blessed here in Minnesota with vast resources. We have the people and know-how to mine these critical minerals safely. Nobody cares more about the area than those of us who live in the communities that surround the mine and plant site. Mining is our way of life and we know how to do it and do it right.
“The people in my community have been patient, and have encouraged PolyMet to follow the thorough environmental review and permitting process which state and federal agencies have now completed. The project has demonstrated it can meet strict standards including the sulfate standard for wild rice. By committing to meet this standard, PolyMet will reduce the sulfate that goes into the St. Louis River by more than 1 million kilograms every year of operation. The only effect PolyMet will have downstream is cleaning up the river by addressing legacy mining issues. It is time to move forward by reinstating the 404 wetland permit and allowing the PolyMet project and the site cleanup to proceed.”
Subsequent to the hearing, Rep. Lislegard will submit written comments regarding this matter to the Army Corps of Engineers.