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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Lisa Demuth (R)

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Legislative update

Friday, April 19, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

We are entering the final month of the legislative session and getting into crunch time regarding important work. It will be interesting to see what is finished and what will have to wait for next year.

On that note, today marks the final committee deadline in the Legislature, the date by which committees must act favorably on major appropriation and finance bills to keep them alive this session. While that may technically be true, we should note the Democrat majority is not exactly adhering to the legislative rules and has issued around 20 bill waivers to keep them moving through the process. That is an unprecedented number of waivers, which typically are rare but have become commonplace this session with Democrats in full control of the Capitol unable to get their work done on time.

In other news:


House Republicans this week hosted a press conference to advocate for increased funding for Emergency Medical Services in Minnesota to mitigate a shortage of state support for that crucial essential service.

EMS services across our state are facing an unprecedented crisis, with a staggering $120 million shortfall that threatens of our emergency response system and puts the lives of Minnesotans at risk. Democrats have allocated just $16 million in their supplemental budget to address this $120 million deficit. Meanwhile, they’ve committed $730 million to an extravagant remodel of their own office building – more than double what we spent to fix up the Capitol building.

It is time to prioritize the lives of Minnesotans over frivolous spending like a palace for politicians. Much like we did in successfully negotiating $300 million more for nursing homes last year, House Republicans will continue pushing for more EMS dollars.

We expect first responders to show up when we need them most and they make great sacrifices in their own lives to answer the call. A number of these people are volunteers who just want to help friends and neighbors. Let’s provide them with the resources and support they need to do the essential jobs we appreciate so much.


I will be appearing with fellow legislative leaders during this week’s edition of Almanac, which airs on TPT2 at 7 p.m. today. Streaming options also are available at the show’s website, located here. It should be an interesting show as we exchange opinions on what’s taken place so far this session and highlight major issues in the home stretch to our official May 20 date to adjourn.



Thank you to the local United Way delegation for coming to St. Paul to discuss important issues. Your input is very much appreciated.


Tax Day was this week. While the income tax obligations for most Minnesotans have now been met, people continue to feel the pain of increased everyday tax burdens thanks to the decisions made by a Democrat-controlled state government.

Last year, Democrats raised taxes on Minnesotans by $10 billion despite an $18 billion state surplus and continue to find new ways to take more money out of family budgets. Of the $10 billion in Democrat tax hikes, only $3 billion of it has gone into effect. This means if you’re already having financial problems, brace yourself for more. For example, one-party Democrat control voted to make everything you order to your door more expensive. Their new delivery tax takes effect in 11 weeks.

In addition to the new tax on deliveries, last session, the DFL-led legislature approved increases including to Metro Area sales taxes, motor vehicle registration fees, and a paid family and medical leave program that will be paid for by all workers and business owners. But the most regressive tax increase of all is their increase to the gasoline tax. They put the gas tax on an inflator, which means the state is automatically taking money out of Minnesotans’ pockets. This tax increase will be devastating to the poorest of the poor, as they will pay more just to drive to work.

Meanwhile, Democrats failed to deliver on their promise of $2,000 checks to every family, giving just a fraction of that to a small percentage of Minnesotans. They also broke their promise to Minnesota seniors by failing to fully eliminate taxes on social security benefits, voting repeatedly against Republican amendments to get rid of this unfair tax once and for all.

In just one year we went from a record surplus to a projected deficit thanks to reckless spend spree. With rising gas, groceries, mortgage rates, and energy prices, Republicans continue working to eliminate wasteful government spending so we can deliver permanent tax relief for Minnesota families to help you afford everyday necessities. We need more balance in St. Paul.

Until next time, have a good weekend, a blessed Passover and please stay in touch.

