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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Lisa Demuth (R)

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Legislative update

Friday, March 21, 2025

Dear Neighbor,

The 134th member of the House was sworn in this week. That brings us to a 67-67 split between parties and that’s how we will operate going forward.

Here’s a look at my latest notes from the House:

Returning surplus dollars

A bill that would allow citizens to decide if a portion of future budget surpluses should be returned to taxpayers came to the House on Monday and fell on a party-line vote.

Specifically, the bill (H.F. 4) proposes a constitutional amendment question on the 2026 general election ballot, asking voters to decide whether future budget surplus dollars should be automatically refunded to taxpayers.

If the state collects more tax dollars than necessary to support its budget, those dollars should go back to the taxpayers instead of being captured by legislators and spent on more government growth. This scenario played out in dramatic form when the state had an $18 billion surplus in 2023. Instead of meaningful relief, that money was used to fund a 40-percent increase in ongoing state spending that is only going to cost taxpayers even more down the road.

This bill provides guardrails for the legislature that clearly are needed. Placing the principle of surplus returns in the Minnesota Constitution protects taxpayers from potentially unsustainable state spending increases and also promotes financial accountability in state government.

Excess tax collections should not be viewed as a back-door tax increase and a license to spend more of Minnesotans’ hard-earned money. Taxpayers deserve better and this is just one proposal House Republicans have authored to help make our state more affordable.

Unfortunately, the bill failed on a 67-67 vote.

Capitol visitors

Thank you to all the visitors who continue coming to the Capitol to discuss important issues. Recent groups of visitors include:

Disability Services Day at the Capitol participants


WACOSA representatives (and Sen. Jeff Howe)


School administrators, including from ROCORI


Farm Bureau members


Thanks again to all those who have recently taken the time to come to the Capitol to share your input with me. It is greatly appreciated!

Watch for more news from the House soon. The process of setting a new two-year state budget will come to the forefront in the coming days and weeks as we work to get a new plan in place and adjourn on time May 19.

Have a good weekend, please stay in touch and, as always, let me know how I can help.

