Dear Granite City Neighbors,
We’re back from our Easter and Passover recess and the work in the Minnesota House is ramping up. We’re currently in the process of spending long days on the House floor debating our Minnesota Values Budget, but we also have an exciting community event to look forward to this weekend. Here’s a quick update on our work in St. Paul.
St. Cloud Town Hall
For my final Town Hall during this year’s legislative session, I’m excited to be joined by our House Majority Leader, Rep. Ryan Winkler. Bring your questions and comments on this legislative session, and we’ll discuss the ways we’re working to improve St. Cloud and the surrounding communities. I hope to see you there!
When: Saturday, April 27, 2:30-3:30pm
Where: St. Cloud State University, Welcome Center Lobby
355 5th Ave. S.
St. Cloud, MN 56301

E-12 Education
We approved the first of our major finance bills this week, the House’s E-12 Education budget. Having recently held our Education Town Hall in St. Cloud, I was happy to support this legislation and its provisions that addressed so many of the issues we discussed.

Minnesota’s students deserve a world-class education, which is why we’ve increased per-pupil funding across the state, improving the education of my daughter at South Junior High and students all over Minnesota. We’re also expanding students’ ability to earn college credits and develop skills through career and technical programs, and making sure Minnesota is stepping up to address our special education funding shortfall.
Jobs & Energy
My family knows how difficult it can be balancing work and caring for a child, a loved one, or yourself. I voted for our Jobs and Energy budget because it offers solutions that Minnesotans need, like Paid Family & Medical Leave and Earned Sick and Safe Time, to ensure that all Minnesotans are able to thrive through economic security.

This budget is also protecting wages, bringing high-speed broadband internet to Greater Minnesota, and growing our clean energy economy. Our budget moves Minnesota forward, and I am proud to support it.
Health and Human Services
We just started our debate on the House floor for our Health and Human Services budget (HHS). Though we’re currently amending and debating this bill, I anticipate this being another great budget that I will be supporting.

The HHS budget reduces the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs by holding Big Pharma accountable and leveraging the state’s purchasing power, protects our elders and most vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect, takes serious action to address the surge in youth tobacco use, and overall expands access to affordable health care.
Stay In Touch
Regardless of whether or not you can attend our Town Hall this weekend, I want to hear from you. Please feel free to call me at (651) 296-6612, or email me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Go Huskies!

Rep. Dan Wolgamott |