Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program
Temperatures are dropping below zero throughout the state for the next week, and for many, that means the stress of a high heating bill. All Minnesotans deserve to be safe and warm, which is why I want to make sure everyone in our community is aware of Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program. This program, which helped nearly 118,000 Minnesota households pay their heating bills last year, accepts applications until May 31, however funding is limited and administered on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Energy Assistance Program serves households that earn less than $54,357 for a household of four or $28,266 for a household of one. It helps income-qualifying homeowners and renters with heating bills through grants paid directly to utility companies or heating fuel vendors. If you’re eligible, you can apply for assistance with your service provider. Call 800-657-3710, and press 1, or visit the Commerce Department’s Energy Assistance Program webpage.
Stay Connected
There’s a lot going on at the Minnesota Legislature, and If you have any questions or comments on our work, please feel free to email me at rep.dan.wolgamott@house.mn, or give me a call at (651) 296-6612. You can also follow along with my work on my member page, “like” my official facebook page, and subscribe to and share these legislative updates. I look forward to hearing from you!

Rep. Dan Wolgamott