We’re at the point now in negotiations where we’ve reached an agreement on the vast majority of our state budget, and we’ve already passed the following budget areas into law: commerce, climate & energy; higher education; agriculture; clean water, outdoors, arts, and cultural heritage projects funded through the Legacy Amendment; transportation; housing; environment; E-12 education, and health and human services.
There are some finer logistics to work out on other budgets, but we should have ample time to have everything passed and sent to Governor Walz for his approval before July 1. I’m especially proud of my bills that won out in these bipartisan negotiations, including proposals to make college textbooks more affordable, ensure all our college students have access to food, and make our school buses safer. I can’t wait to grab a beer with you tomorrow and talk about the importance of these wins for St. Cloud!
We’ve got A LOT to cover tomorrow, so much that we’d be there all night if we wanted to cover our entire budget. Regardless of whether you’re able to join us, please feel free to reach out with any specific questions you may have on our budget, and I’ll be sure to get back to you.
You can reach me at rep.dan.wolgamott@house.mn, or give me a call at (651) 296-6612. I look forward to hearing from you!

Rep. Dan Wolgamott