Dear Neighbor,
We received a new state economic forecast this week. It shows a whole lot of bad decisions made the last two years are crushing our state’s bottom line. It also underscores our state’s need for a more balanced approach to setting a new budget.
The report from Minnesota Management & Budget shows a $456 million projected balance for 2026-27, down $160 million from previous estimates. The projected general fund shortfall for the 2028-29 biennium is now $6 billion – $852 million worse than November estimates and nearly a state-record deficit.
State spending growth outpaces revenue growth through projections for fiscal year 2029, MMB indicates. That should come as no surprise after Democrats in full control of the Capitol last biennium spent the state’s $18 billion surplus, raised taxes by $10 billion and increased the state budget by 40 percent with the budget they set in 2023.
Overall, you can look at this report and say things are fine for now, but we can’t ignore the financial crisis Democrats created when they had full control of the Capitol during the last biennium. The spending spree they went on is simply unsustainable, with giveaways left and right, including free health care and education to illegal aliens.
The good news is balance has been restored with House Republicans breaking up the one-party chokehold Democrats had on our state the last two years. The auto-pilot budget increases and the endless growth of government are coming to an end.
We cannot take another dime from hardworking Minnesotans and need to focus on cleaning up the mess caused by one-party control in St. Paul. That means some other spending needs to be adjusted as we work to put a new budget in place before adjourning in late May.
Preserving Girls Sports Act
This week House Republicans brought to the floor the Preserving Girls Sports Act, a bill (H.F. 12 which supports safe and fair competition for girls in school-sanctioned athletics.
The Preserving Girls Sports Act specifically states that only female students may participate in school sports restricted on the basis of sex to women or girls. If there is a dispute, a student must present a signed physician’s statement indicating the student’s sex is based solely on the student’s internal and external anatomy, natural occurring level of testosterone, and an analysis of the student’s chromosomes.
House Democrats blocked it, even though polls show around 80 percent of people agree with the bill’s position. It is outrageous for House Democrats to vote against providing our girls with safe and fair competition. This makes no sense and is yet another example of how House Democrats continue catering to radical activists instead of doing what most Minnesotans want. It is beyond me how House Democrats marched in lockstep to take a vote which places young girls in harm’s way and runs against what the vast majority of their constituents want.
I’m proud to stand up for our girls on this issue. I will let the folks across the aisle explain for themselves why they took such a bad vote to put girls’ safety at risk while undoing decades of progress made under Title IX.
The good news is House Republicans tabled the bill after Democrats voted against it. That way, we can keep available for future reconsideration.
Protecting minors
Watch for more soon regarding a bill I’m authoring which prohibits sex changes and certain counseling for minors in Minnesota.
Until next time, have a great weekend and please stay in touch.