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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Jeff Brand (DFL)

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Legislative Update - March 26, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Dear Neighbors,
We’re just over halfway through the 2019 legislative session. Early mornings and late evenings are just another part of the deal here at the Capitol. Thankfully, the result of these long work hours has been quality legislation for those in our community and across our state. Here are a few of the things we’ve been working on.

Hands-Free Cell Phone Bill
An average of 53 deaths and 216 serious injuries occur every year in Minnesota as a direct result of distracted driving. Minnesotans deserve to be safe on our roads, which is why I voted in favor of the hands-free cell phone bill. The legislation would require drivers to place their phones in a hands-free mode when using them while driving.

Current state law bans emailing, texting, and using a web browser while driving. The hands-free cell phone bill applies the same enforcement and penalties to drivers who do not use their cell phone in a hands-free mode while behind the wheel. There are exceptions for emergencies and one-touch activation functions. Sixteen other states and the District of Columbia have hands-free cell phone laws. You can read more about the bill here.
Finding Solutions for the Opioid Crisis
Over 400 Minnesotans died as a result of opioid overdoses in 2017. Meanwhile, opioid manufacturers have collected billions in profits over the years, and they haven’t contributed a dime to finding solutions to this crisis. Holding big corporations accountable is the right thing to do. I am proud to have voted for legislation that would confront this crisis while doing just that.


You can read more about our efforts to solve the opioid crisis and hold Big Pharma accountable here.

Veterans Day on the Hill
Last Wednesday was Veterans Day on the Hill here at the State Capitol, and it also happened to coincide with the anniversary of the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. As I reflect on that day and the people that have served our nation, I count myself lucky to serve our community and the veterans that reside within it. We can and should pass legislation to bring Restorative Justice, Survivor Property Tax Exclusion, and more to the people who have and continue to serve Minnesota and our country.
As part of Veterans Day on the Hill last Wednesday, I had the honor of visiting with a whole group of veterans that came up from Nicollet County for the day’s festivities. We had an informative discussion about some of the unique issues faced by veterans in rural areas, as well as what I, as their representative, can do to assist. It was my privilege to meet with these fine men and women, and I hope to keep in contact as my time as your state representative continues.


Protecting Minnesotans from Sexual Harassment
Over 80 percent of women in Minnesota report being sexually harassed in the workplace, and the definition of sexual harassment hasn’t been changed in almost 40 years. These reasons, along with the heart-wrenching testimony we heard on this issue, are why I wholeheartedly believe in, and voted in favor for House File 10.
All Minnesotans deserve to live and work in an environment that is free from sexual harassment. This bill would help by updating Minnesota’s sexual harassment standards. You can read more about this issue here.

EMS Protocols to Administer Lifesaving Drugs

One in ten Minnesotans are affected by a rare disease. Currently, Paramedics, EMTs, and AEMTS aren’t legally allowed to administer drugs beyond an EpiPen. Yesterday the House voted on HF 85 – a bill that would require the EMS Board to submit protocol guidelines for emergency responders to administer drugs that are carried by the patient for their disease.



The legislation passed on a 126-0 vote total and awaits a Senate version to be passed in the next few weeks. Once this is done, it will head to Governor Walz for his signature. Thank you to the rare disease community for their support, and a special thanks to Bailey and mother Deann Johnson for testifying on this important issue in committee.

You can read more about the bill here

Stay In Touch!

Please feel free to reach out. You can call me at (651) 296-8634 or email me at Any meeting requests should go directly to my legislative assistant, Carley Martin. You can reach her at (651) 297-5002 or email at

Your partner in Saint Paul, 

Jeff Brand
State Representative, District 19A
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