If you haven’t yet, I’d encourage you to sign up for the COVID-19 Vaccine Connector to get regular updates on vaccine availability and eligibility. In some cases, your employer will have more information on vaccine availability, and it’s a good idea to be in touch with your health care provider too. Vaccine supplies from the federal government are increasing, and this progress represents one more step towards the end of the pandemic.
New Public Health Guidance
Today, Governor Walz announced adjustments to Minnesota’s COVID-19 mitigation measures, including social gatherings, bars and restaurants, salons and barbershops, fitness centers and pools, entertainment venues, youth sports, and religious services.

The pace of vaccination administration has picked up significantly, but it's critical we continue working together to protect the progress we've made. The new virus variant that has peaked in Carver County is a reminder of the need to continue masking, distancing, and washing our hands frequently and thoroughly.
Infrastructure Improvements for 33B
You may recall from a previous newsletter that I’m authoring several bills to improve public infrastructure in our 33B communities.

As promised, here’s an update on those bills’ progress:
HF 421:
I was joined by Mayor of Shorewood Jennifer Ford Labadie, who shared her supportive testimony of this legislation to the House Capital Investment Committee this week. She did a great job describing the need for a safe crossing trail along Galpin Lake Road and Hwy 7 to the intersection at County Road 19 to improve pedestrian safety and connectivity to downtown Excelsior and Excelsior Elementary. This has been a priority for the residents of Shorewood for years and I am proud to author the bill to make it a reality.

HF 247:
The bill to provide funding to replace an aging water main and related critical infrastructure in Tonka Bay will also receive a hearing in the House Capital Investment Committee on Tuesday. Mayor Adam Jennings is scheduled to provide testimony in favor of the measure.
HF 2051 (New!):
This bill would provide funding for a new water treatment plant in Minnetonka Beach. The bill is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday in the House Capital Investment Committee and Mayor Jaci Lindstrom will testify in support.
Preserving Westonka’s History (New!):
I’m currently in the process of drafting a bill that would fund improvements to the Westonka History Museum. The Lake Minnetonka area's rich history deserves to be preserved and celebrated for future generations, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to carry this bill for our community.
Connecting with Constituents
Great to meet this group (including Spring Park’s own Cassie Keller!) of amazing advocates on Disability Services Day at the Capitol! They work for Reach for Resources and work to help people with developmental disabilities live fuller and more independent lives. Thank you for your important work and advocacy for Minnesotans living with disabilities and for those who help care for them!

Survey Reminder
This is a friendly reminder to share your feedback with me by taking my legislative survey on various issues facing the Minnesota Legislature this year. Your input helps drive my work for our neighbors at the State Capitol.
Keep in Touch
Please contact me anytime at rep.kelly.morrison@house.mn or 651-296-4315 with input or questions. Don’t hesitate to reach out to let me know how I can be of assistance.
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and take good care.