SAINT PAUL, MN - This week the House Rules Committee met twice to discuss renovations at the State Office Building. Last session, House Democrats passed an open-ended appropriation to fund renovations to the State Office Building, despite every single Republican voting against it. Now, projected costs for the project are nearly $500 million.
“It is outrageous to spend a half billion dollars renovating the State Office Building,” said Robbins. “While the building does need improvements, it is not necessary to spend such an excessive amount for offices. There is no still no statutory limit to project spending, and it could end up costing taxpayers well north of $500 million.”
To put it in context, in 2013 the Legislature approved funding for the brand-new Senate Office Building which cost $90 million and the complete renovation of the Capitol Building cost $310 million.
“Like you, I am so tired of these shenanigans,” said Robbins. “It is significant that this was passed by a lame-duck Rules Committee chaired by an outgoing Majority Leader who will not be held accountable for the actions taken. In addition, it passed by voice-vote, so no one is on record for having voted for this. I hope all taxpayers contact Speaker Hortman’s office to express their frustration that their hard-earned money is going to be used for such an expensive renovation.”