ST. PAUL, MN – Rep. Kristin Robbins (R-Maple Grove) released the following statement after Minnesota’s latest budget forecast showed the deficit is expected to increase from $5.1 Billion to $6 Billion by Fiscal Year 2028-29. The FY 2026-27 balance also dropped by $160 million to $456 million, as spending growth continues to outpace revenue.
"Democrats are gas-lighting Minnesotans by saying the increase in the deficit is due to federal policies, which is not true. These new numbers are based on a February 10th forecast update – only two weeks into the new Administration and Congress still has not enacted any tax or budget policies. This growing deficit is entirely the result of Democrats spending the $18 Billion surplus, raising taxes by $11 Billion, and growing state government by an astonishing 40% over the last two years. Democrats created this budget crisis and are looking to blame someone else, rather than take responsibility for the tough decisions that are going to have to be made to balance the state budget. Minnesotans cannot afford the current level of state spending and cannot absorb any more tax increases. It is time to slow the growth of government and let Minnesotans keep more of their own money to drive economic growth.”