Dear Neighbors,
The first committee deadline is behind us, but the pace of the legislative session is not slowing down. I have one bill ready for a vote of the full House, five that have been heard in all of their committee stops and laid over for possible inclusion in the larger bills, three bills are still in the committee process, four bills are being refined for future success, and three bills in the idea stage, ranging from insurance reform to ensuring justice for survivors of Asbestos exposure.
I am also working to champion House File 81, to establish a pharmacogenomics (PGx) task force, by partnering with one of my Republican colleagues, because it has great promise for the health of our citizens and the innovation of our state. It is a hectic time, but I can still say I truly love doing this work on behalf of my community and all Minnesotans
I am also continuing my work with colleagues and leadership to finalize a solid plan as we transition away from the Peacetime Emergency and toward what we hope will be brighter times ahead. We are making great strides in vaccinations and rates are going down. Thank you for your help with masking, distancing, helping kiddos with homework and caring for your neighbors.
It is important to note, while we have made good progress vaccinating some of our most vulnerable populations, we have much more work to do to ensure the continued economic security and prosperity of all Minnesotans. Those who follow me know I believe in setting realistic expectations and using straight talk. The reality is the legislature continues its work to support those who received PPP loans, unemployment insurance, housing addressing growing homelessness and the need for mental health support, while helping our students who may be suffering the consequences of learning loss.
The legislative process can seem slow and methodical, however, the Minnesota legislature is a deliberative body that takes care of the needs of those in all corners of the state. I also know that members of all ideologies take this responsibility seriously. We are all working toward the same goals, although we may have different approaches. I believe our community needs us to rise above division, move forward and help all families to thrive.