Legislative Update – February 14, 2025Dear Neighbors, Last week the House became officially organized after a co-governing agreement was successfully negotiated that protects the will of the voters. Democrats got what we’ve been asking for since January 13, before the session began — a co-governing agreement that reflects the need to work together to pass bills. Once the House is back to a 67-67 tie, Republicans and Democrats will co-chair committees with equal membership from both parties. The agreement also has guardrails to prevent future abuses of power by Republicans on the House floor. With a tied House, we need bipartisan action to pass bills and move our state forward. As we have said since November, Democrats are ready to work with Republicans and govern responsibly while not compromising on our core values. But here’s the important thing, this co-governing agreement ensures that my DFL colleagues and I will continue to have the ability to fight for a better Minnesota. A Minnesota that prioritizes workers, families, and our neighbors. A Minnesota that makes progress on important issues like increasing affordable housing, bringing down the cost of healthcare, supporting working families, and protecting Minnesotans’ fundamental rights. I want to thank the constituents, community leaders, advocates, and everyone who met with me to share their priorities in these past few weeks. Your input directly shapes my legislative agenda, and I’m looking forward to continuing to advance our shared values here at the Capitol.
2025-26 Committee AssignmentsFor the 2025-26 legislative biennium, I am proud to announce that I will be serving on the following committees: Education Finance, Health Finance and Policy, and State Government Finance and Policy. ![]() I’m looking forward to serving on the Education Finance Committee, ensuring our districts have the resources they need to provide our children the world-class education we all know they deserve. I plan to focus on equipping them with the tools needed to join the 21st-century workforce by investing in STEM and computer science programs. I will also explore ways to mentor and retain teachers in that critical 3-5 year window so they have a successful career in teaching. On the Health Committee, I will continue my focus on lowering prescription drug prices, removing barriers to healthcare access, and supporting our healthcare workforce, including hospital workers, small local pharmacies, medical research, and more. I’m also exploring legislation to foster better health outcomes for women and support vital research impacting women with dramatically higher instances of adverse health and medical outcomes leading to higher levels of heart disease and stroke, diabetes, and dementia—which drive up healthcare costs and lower quality of life for Minnesotans. I’ll continue to serve on the State Government Committee, which hears many important bills that intersect with other issue areas. Cybersecurity is like state and national security on the electronic level, which is why this session I am focused on passing legislation to provide counties, state higher education institutions, schools, and local governments with tools to defend against cyber attacks while protecting the data and privacy of Minnesotans.
HOA/CIC ReformSince session ended last May, I’ve been working as co-chair of a Working Group on Homeowners Association and Common Interest Community Reform. This bipartisan working group included Senators and Representatives from around the state, coming together because we all recognize that reform is desperately needed to protect homeowners and renters, as reported by the Minnesota Reformer here. ![]() This week, I presented the findings of our working group to the Housing Finance and Policy Committee. These recommendations, crafted after months of meetings including listening sessions in communities around Minnesota, reflect a common-sense approach to addressing issues facing HOAs and CICs to ensure Minnesotans are not taken advantage of by these quasi-government organizations with little oversight that lack checks and balances to protect homeowners. You can watch that Housing Committee meeting here.
Meeting with the CommunityIn between all the committee hearings and legislative meetings, I always appreciate taking time to meet with constituents, advocates, and organizations working to build a stronger Minnesota. Thank you to all the folks who took the time to meet with me these past weeks—it’s an honor to bring your voices to the Capitol. From meeting with charter schools driving innovation and preparing the next generation of healthcare workers, to protecting our independent pharmacies, supporting the Anti-Violence Coalition, and honoring how we house and care for our veterans, there is so much work to be done. ![]() For more on my visits both in our community and at the Capitol, please visit my Official State Representative Facebook page here.
Stay Connected!Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments you may have. I can be reached at 651-296-5502 or rep.kristin.bahner@house.mn. It’s an honor to represent our community. Sincerely, Kristin Bahner |