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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Kristin Bahner (DFL)

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Legislative Update – March 7, 2025

Friday, March 7, 2025

Legislative Update – March 7, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at the Capitol, as we’ve been holding committee hearings, meeting with constituents and advocates, and introducing bills to solve problems and improve Minnesotans’ lives.

One of my biggest projects during the legislative interim was crafting a bill to reform Homeowners Associations and Common Interest Communities. As chair of the bipartisan Working Group on Homeowners Association and Common Interest Community Reform, I’m proud of the recommendations we put together.

Last week, in the first bipartisan press conference of the year, DFL and GOP representatives and senators held a press conference together introducing a comprehensive package recognizing desperately needed reforms to protect homeowners and renters. We must center the needs of our neighbors to keep housing affordable and our neighborhoods strong.

You can watch a clip of my comments here and read more in these articles by WCCO and CCX Media.

2-26 Bahner HOA Presser

This HOA and CIC reform package will strengthen consumer protection laws and ensure that Minnesotans are not taken advantage of by these organizations that have little oversight or accountability under current law. It also provides clear guidelines for volunteer board members to cut down on conflict between neighbors.

I was glad to join Fox9’s Leah Beno on last Sunday’s morning show to talk more about the proposal, and how we put together a broad coalition to tackle this important issue. You can watch that interview here.

Bahner Fox9

Many Minnesotans across the political spectrum have experienced very real challenges with their HOAs. I’m proud to be part of this bipartisan group of legislators in both chambers who are ready to improve Minnesota law and better protect our neighbors.

The bill was in the Housing Committee this week, where I presented the legislation with my Republican co-author Rep. Shane Mekeland. On Wednesday night, I appeared on TPT’s Almanac program to again bring attention to this important and bipartisan issue.


Protecting Critical Cyber Infrastructure

Last week, I presented my bill funding county and city cybersecurity grants and creating a “whole of Minnesota” plan for a stronger cybersecurity posture now and in the future. You can watch my remarks to the State Government Committee here. With over 30 years in IT, I understand the critical role our state and local partners play in delivering vital services to our neighbors.

As an IT professional, I know we’re only as strong as our weakest link. Providing this critical support to cities and counties will benefit all of Minnesota. That’s why my bill has bipartisan authorship in the House and Senate, as well as the support of the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Counties, the Association of Townships, MNIT, and the Minnesota IT Caucus.

Bahner Committee

I’ll continue to advocate for bills like this that protect Minnesota’s critical infrastructure, and resident’s personal data.


Meeting with the Community

In between all the committee hearings and legislative meetings, I always appreciate taking the time to meet with constituents, advocates, and organizations working to build a stronger Minnesota.

Thank you to all the folks, from nurses to educators to local leaders, who took the time to meet with me these past weeks—it’s an honor to bring your voices to the Capitol. I was also glad to spend time with Claire, a constituent from our district participating in the High School Page Program, which you can learn more about here.

3-6 Bahner Meetings

For more on my visits both in our community and at the Capitol, please visit my Official State Representative Facebook page here.


Extreme Risk Projection Orders are saving lives

During the 2023 legislative session, Minnesota Democrats partnered with law enforcement to take bold action to protect our communities against gun violence. One of the measures lawmakers enacted allows for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), also known as a “red flag” law.

This tool, widely supported by chiefs and county sheriffs as well as rank-and-file police, helps to prevent tragedies by allowing law enforcement and family members to request court orders temporarily removing firearms from individuals who pose an imminent risk of harming themselves or others.

After one year of implementation, the evidence is clear: Extreme Risk Protection Orders are protecting Minnesotans from senseless gun violence. The Star Tribune recently published an op-ed spotlighting the impact of this important law, which you can read here.

2-15 ERPO Op-ed

So far, 135 ERPO cases have been filed, with law enforcement initiating the vast majority of the petitions. The red flag law has saved lives, particularly in situations involving domestic violence or for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. Minnesotans overwhelmingly support common-sense gun violence prevention measures, like ERPOs and criminal background checks, and House DFLers remain committed to keeping our communities safe.


Stay Connected!

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments you may have. I can be reached at 651-296-5502 or It’s an honor to represent our community.


Kristin Bahner
Your State Representative