Here’s an update from the State Capitol:
Legislation for Plymouth
While addressing COVID-19’s impacts continues to be at the forefront of our work, it’s important to identify what we’ll need in Plymouth to keep our community strong and moving forward post-pandemic. Currently, I’ve authored two bills; the first would provide a refundable construction exemption to update our Plymouth fire stations and received a public hearing in the House Taxes Committee today. The second would provide funding to analyze alternative transit service improvement on Highway 55. I am also working with the city and stakeholders to address the needs around County Road 47, putting this safety issue forward.

Great to have Mike Goldstein and Erik Fadden testifying in support of a refundable construction exemption in order to update our Plymouth fire stations.
Committee Work & New Elections Legislation Introduced
Yesterday, the House Higher Education held a public hearing to hear personal experiences of earning an education amid the pandemic, and common concerns of higher education students across the state. As a member serving on the House Higher Education Committee, it's important to me to gain knowledge of students' firsthand experiences with higher education; the barriers and challenges, but also what's working for them, and how they are being supported. Read more in the recap from the nonpartisan Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services.
Today, my House colleagues introduced a legislative package called the Democracy for the People Act, which aims to build a strong, inclusive democracy that works for Minnesotans of every race, region, political party, and generation. Highlights of the package include: ensuring state and local elections officials can access the critical federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funds they need for election security and infrastructure; establishing ballot drop box and return sites; and closing dark money loopholes. You can read more about the Democracy for the People Act here.

Keep in Touch
As always, please contact me anytime with questions, ideas, or input at You can also reach me via telephone at 651-296-5511.
Hearing from you helps drive my work for Plymouth at the State Capitol.
Thank you for the honor of serving.
Ginny Klevorn
State Representative