We’ve had a busy week at the Legislature. Here’s an update from the Capitol:
Gov. Walz Announces COVID-19 Recovery Budget
Governor Walz released his budget proposal for the next two years yesterday. The proposed COVID-19 Recovery Budget focuses on supporting working families, ensuring students catch up on learning, and helping small businesses stay afloat while driving Minnesota’s economic recovery.

I am still reviewing the entirety of the recovery budget, however, I am glad to see investments are included that would fund forgivable loans for our struggling small businesses, and to the Angel Investment Tax Credit program. This is a key primary economic development tool in Minnesota to assist early stage businesses engaged in technological innovation by providing a tax credit to investors or investment funds that make an equity investment. There are also investments to improve broadband infrastructure, which was a topic of concern for many who attended our recent town hall meeting.
Overall, these measures would help confront challenges our economy faces today while investing in the future to ensure we emerge from this crisis stronger than before. Strong investments to our local brick and mortar infrastructure, especially in Plymouth, will help us recover and rebuild faster in Minnesota, and that’s one fiscally responsible approach I’m keeping in mind as we work with the Senate to balance our budget.
Legislation to Watch
Supporting Green Energy Resources & Jobs
Today, the House Climate Finance and Policy Committee heard a bill that would move Minnesota’s utility’s electric power to carbon-free resources by 2040. Read more here.
Supporting our Students
Legislation is moving through the committee process that would provide investments to programs to help address math and reading deficiencies related to the impact of COVID-19, improvement in the delivery of Special Education and trauma-related services, and school funding stabilization. You can read more about this legislation here.
Supporting our Local Restaurants
Yesterday, the House Commerce Committee advanced legislation that would alleviate fee burdens on restaurants partnering with third-party food delivery services like Uber Eats, Grub Hub, and Door Dash, by establishing a 15% fee cap on purchase orders. Some eateries are reporting an absorbent amount of fees of up to 40%. Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Edina have already enacted local fee caps. Read more here.
Keep in Touch
Please continue to reach out anytime at rep.ginny.klevorn@house.mn or 651-296-5511. I appreciate your input and questions! Hearing from you helps drive my work for our Plymouth residents and families.
Take good care, and have a great weekend.
Ginny Klevorn
State Representative