I continue to be in frequent communication the Minnesota Department of Health for updates on progress and federal efforts underway to ship more vaccine to our state. The COVID-19 Vaccine Connector is a great tool and resource Plymouth residents can sign up for to receive additional updates and information.
Here’s an update from the Capitol:
Paid Family and Medical Leave
As we’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, a good bill of health and the ability to provide for our families are essential. Now more than ever, Plymouth residents should have the time they need to care for themselves or loved ones. We all do better when everyone has the tools to live and work with dignity — when you’re sick, have a new baby, or are caring for an aging parent. I’m a co-sponsor of Paid Family and Medical Leave legislation and am pleased to share it cleared its first committee stop this week. I’ll continue to advocate for its path forward.

New Loan Protections for College Students
This week, the House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee, on which I serve, heard a bipartisan measure that would provide important new protections for Minnesotans struggling with student debt. The Student Borrowers Bill of Rights legislation would require student loan servicers to be licensed. It would also establish a variety of financial guardrails student loan servicers must follow to enhance consumer protections for student loan borrowers.
It’s clear there’s much more to do to make college and job training programs more affordable, but this is a good first step to address the red tape student borrowers are having to navigate in oftentimes misleading circumstances created by loan servicers.
I’ve heard from many in Plymouth about the toll and burden student loan debt has taken on their families. Are you struggling with your student loan payments? Please contact me at rep.ginny.klevorn@house.mn to share your experience.
Highway 55 Study Receives a Hearing
Today I presented HF 64 to the House Transportation Finance and Policy Committee. This is the bill that would authorize a state study to analyze the impact of bus rapid transit along Highway 55. The legislation is being laid over for possible inclusion into a larger transportation finance bill. It was great to have Mayor Wosje testify in favor of the measure.

Welcome Police Chief Fadden
Plymouth’s new Police Chief, Erik Fadden, was sworn-in to the official post earlier this week. As a member of the House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee, I look forward to working with him to ensure we’re meeting Plymouth’s needs.

Keep in Touch
Please continue to reach out anytime at rep.ginny.klevorn@house.mn or 651-296-5511 with input or questions. I appreciate hearing from you!
Thank you for the honor of representing our Plymouth neighbors at the State Capitol.
Ginny Klevorn
State Representative