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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn (DFL)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Friends and neighbors,   

Last week, Minnesota House Republicans abandoned their plan to put a bill to delay Paid Family and Medical Leave on the Floor. Republicans knew they didn't have the votes to pass it, and I attribute your calls and emails to the House opposing this bill as a motivator for this 11th hour change. This is a great example of how engaging with government works. 

PFML guarantees Paid Leave benefits for Minnesotans who are bonding with a new baby or foster/adoptive child, caring for an aging parent, or recovering from an unexpected illness or injury. This program is supported by Minnesotans across party lines by a 3-1 margin. I know that this program will be life-changing for so many Minnesotans, especially those in Eden Prairie, and be a major economic boost for all of Minnesota.  

Make no mistake: this issue is not dead. We fully expect Republicans to renew their efforts to delay or repeal PFML, but now that the recent special election in Roseville has brought us back to a 67-67 tie, they’ll have a much harder time bringing bad-faith bills like these to the Floor. 


During their brief one-seat advantage, we successfully blocked Republicans from their attempt to loosen gun safety laws, putting our kids and families in even more unnecessary danger. As a mom demanding action, I voted no – I will never, ever put guns above my children’s safety. Thank you to everyone who has reached out echoing similar sentiments.  


Children and Families Committee

Now that the House has returned to a 67-67 tie, I’m excited to finally take up the gavel as co-Chair of the Children and Families Committee! I’m thankful to my co-Chair, Rep. Nolan West, who has continued to work with me in good faith and on good legislation over the last few months. Although we sit on opposite sides of the aisle and have different ideas of how to get there, we have a shared vision for improving early care and learning in Minnesota and ensuring Minnesota’s kids can thrive.  


I’m especially excited to continue working on the Great Start Affordability Act which will receive a hearing in committee on March 25th. The program will bring us one step closer to making Minnesota the best place to raise a family. Currently, care for one infant is around $17,000 per year across the state and it’s upwards of $25,000 in Eden Prairie. That’s more than a year of college tuition at the University of Minnesota. We shouldn’t be asking young parents, who are often at the beginning of their careers, at their lowest earnings potential, to shoulder this cost alone. Every family deserves access to safe, high-quality child care they can afford and we all benefit when that happens. 


Thanks for joining us for a town hall!

Thank you to those who joined us at the Eden Prairie library for a passionate hour (or so) of conversation about the uncertainties and hopes for the future of our great state and nation. We had quite the turnout, to the point where we were at capacity with only standing room left! If you were unable to attend, you can find a video recording on my Facebook page (although the audio is not the best – the room was packed!) Despite our differences, there is more that unites us than divides us, and it’s apparent that one of our core values as Minnesotans is to care for our neighbors. 

Town Hall

These town halls are nonpartisan events and no matter where you find yourself on the political spectrum, all constituents are welcome to join. While congressional Republicans have been ordered to cease holding events where constituents can engage with them directly, DFLers are happy to fill the void and talk with you about what matters most. If there’s ever anything I can help with, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office.  


Eden Prairie: An Education Trailblazer

I’m so excited to see six teachers from EP public schools be semi-finalists for the 2025 Minnesota Teacher of the Year award! Thank you for your dedication to our kids. 



Keep in Touch

Unfortunately, due to technological constraints, replies to this newsletter won’t reach my email account.?? 

To share your input or ideas, or if I can ever be of assistance, please feel free to reach out email at or by phone at 651-296-7449. You can contact my new Legislative Assistant, Caleb, at 651-297-7025 or via email at

It is an honor and a privilege to represent you at the Capitol.?? 

All my best,?? 

Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn?