Dear Neighbors,
It’s official, this is the snowiest February on record in Minnesota. Take a break from shoveling and read up on the legislative news from this week!
Governor’s Budget
This week Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan introduced their ‘One Minnesota’ budget proposal for the next two years. In many ways, the introduction of the Governor’s budget is the “first volley” in the collaborative effort between the Minnesota Legislature and Governor to pass our two-year budget. I am encouraged by the Governor’s focus and priorities, which invest in education from pre-K to college, expand access to affordable health care, and create tools to help local communities thrive. You can read more about Governor Walz’s budget here.
What are your thoughts? The House has already begun in earnest working on our budget and I would love to hear from you about your budget priorities.
Homework Starts with Home
Success in the classroom starts with stability at home.
However, last year 9,500 students enrolled in Minnesota public schools experienced homelessness. It should come as no surprise those students struggle with attendance and achievement as compared to their classmates. I am authoring legislation to invest in Homework Starts with Home, an innovative, community-centered program that connects families with direct housing rental assistance and improves collaboration between schools, housing providers, and services. Funding was included in Governor Walz's budget, providing positive momentum to invest in this worthy initiative.
Richfield Naturalization Ceremony
I had the honor to attend a naturalization ceremony in Richfield this week, a joyous occasion where we welcomed 201 new American citizens from 47 countries around the world. Our community and country are a little bit stronger as a result. The Richfield Human Rights Commission has organized naturalization ceremonies the last several years and I am grateful for their leadership.

Stay In Touch
As always, I want to hear from you. You can reach me at, or at (651) 296-7158. I look forward to hearing from you
Michael Howard