Dear Neighbors,
I hope the start to 2020 is treating you well. In just three short weeks we’ll be back in St. Paul for the legislative session, but before that I invite you to join me and my local legislative colleagues as we hold a 2020 Legislative Preview hosted by the League of Women Voters and the Bloomington Public Schools Advocacy Council.
I’ll be joined by Sen. Melissa Wiklund, Rep. Andrew Carlson, and Rep. Steve Elkins as we answer your questions on the upcoming session. The event is Tuesday, January 28, from 7-8:30pm at Bloomington Fire Station #1, 10 W 95th St, Bloomington, MN 55420. I hope to see you there!
2020 Census
In March and April of this year, the U.S. Census Bureau will be sending information to every home in the state on how to be properly counted in the 2020 Census. The census provides critical data that directly impacts our community’s representation and support, with billions of dollars in federal funding going to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data. It’s important that you and your household are accurately counted. You can click here to download a fact sheet with more information, or here to watch a short video.
Additionally, the U.S. Census Bureau needs to fill thousands of temporary positions to conduct the census, including in our community. These positions are crucial to an effective census, and provide flexible hours as well as competitive wages. You can find more information on census jobs here.
2020 is also the year when Minnesotans will need to obtain a REAL ID-compliant license in order to board a commercial plane or enter certain federal buildings. These changes go into effect on October 1, but you can and should apply for a REAL ID as soon as you are able to.
