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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Michael Howard (DFL)

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Legislative Update - A Tied Minnesota House

Monday, March 17, 2025
Howard Banner

Dear Neighbors, 

Last week David Gottfried was elected in a special election, and today he was sworn into office. As such, the House is now back to a 67-67 split. Thanks to the power-sharing agreement my DFL colleagues and I fought for, the operations of the Minnesota House will reflect that tie, with committees having balanced membership and GOP and DFL co-chairs.

This presents an opportunity for a reset on the legislative session. Over the last many weeks, the House Republicans have largely brought forward hyper-partisan bills, such as last week’s effort  to roll back reproductive rights. Hopefully, this type of theatre will stop and we can focus on our shared work to put more power in the hands of Minnesotans – not greedy corporations and the ultra-rich.

Yes to Homes in the Housing Committee

Significant moments of bipartisanship have shone through, especially in our Housing Committee, like last  week’s hearings on the Yes to Homes legislative agenda.

Our Yes to Homes bills are the exact brand of legislation that can thrive in our closely divided legislature: solutions with bipartisan buy-in that improve the lives of Minnesotans throughout the state.

Yes to Homes

The  Housing Committee heard testimony on the Minnesota Starter Home Act, which produces more homes for first-time buyers and seniors looking to downsize; the More Homes, Right Places Act, which builds homes where Minnesotans need them, near transit and corridors of commerce; and the Transforming Main Street Act, which creates multi-family and mixed-use housing, including homes to rent and condos to own within commercial corridors.



State Workers Who Make Our State Work!

A huge shout out to the folks at MAPE who took the time to visit with me at the Capitol!


MAPE, the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, is made up of the Minnesotans who work in various segments of public service to our state. The high quality of life we enjoy here, and the effectiveness of our government, is thanks in large part to them!

Thanks for the visit! Stop by anytime.

Real ID Taking Effect in May

For real this time - beginning May 7, 2025, Minnesotans 18 years of age or older will not be able to use their standard driver's license or identification card to board domestic flights or enter certain federal facilities. Instead, they will need one of three options:

  • Minnesota REAL ID driver's license or identification card.
  • Minnesota Enhanced driver's license or identification card.
  • Other federally-approved forms of identification. They are listed online here, but include:
    • U.S. passport or passport card
    • Foreign government-issued passport
    • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
    • Permanent resident card
    • Border crossing card
    • Federally recognized, tribal-issued photo ID
    • U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents

If you are not sure which license type is right for you, check out the Driver Vehicle Services’ website here.

Save The Date - March 25 “Community Conversation”

As a reminder, Rep. Coulter and I will be holding a “Community Conversation” event on Tuesday, March 25, from 6-7:30pm at Atonement Lutheran Church. This’ll be a great opportunity to hear about the latest on our work in the Minnesota House, and to pose any questions, comments, or ideas you may have on how to make our community and state better.

Community Conversation

Regardless of whether you can make it that day, always feel free to reach out!

You can contact my office at or 651-296-7158. You’ll either hear back from me or our Legislative Assistant, Sowmya. 

In partnership,


Michael Howard