New Laws Begin Tomorrow
As a new month approaches, several new laws go into effect on the first of the July, including the Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act and the Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act. Finding ways to make prescription drugs more affordable and accessible has been and continues to be a top priority for me as your state representative. While I’m glad we made some progress with these bills, they really are only the beginning of the work needed to ensure Minnesotans can afford the medications they need.
AARP Survey
The AARP community survey seeks to inform the work of the Governor’s Council on an Age Friendly Minnesota, which is working to drive coordinated action across state agencies and move Minnesota toward being a more livable, age friendly state. The full survey can be taken by individual Minnesota residents, age 45+ through July 3, 2020.
Save the Date for our Next Coffee Hour
A big thank you to everyone who attended our most recent virtual coffee hour. We had another great turnout, and lots of good questions and input. With the Fourth of July falling on a Saturday this year, I’ll be hosting my next virtual coffee hour on Zoom on July 11 at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome. Watch for call-in details on my Facebook page in the coming days.

Stay in Touch
Please continue to reach out anytime at with questions or input. I always appreciate hearing from you.
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!
Robert Bierman
State Representative